I, Joseph Amley (that’s me in the picture), was raised and educated in Oscoda, a small town in the northern part of Michigan’s mitten. Following far too much higher education, I served mankind as a graduate instructor of anatomy at Univ. of Mich. medical school, a respiratory therapist, a prison chaplain, a medical salesman, and finally the director of research and development for a major medical manufacturer. I have managed to hang on and ride this good earth around the sun seventy-four times without falling off.
I am building this site to provide a place to park my writing while it awaits a more profitable location, hopefully, a publisher’s inbox. Since I also serve as a writing coach, the site provides a nest for the work of others as well.
Readers and writers alike are welcome and encouraged to download and enjoy the posted titles.
Thou shalt not plagiarize any work herein or a curse, both legal and metaphysical, shall be cast upon thee.